wearTell 16 - Release Notes

With wearTell 16, your wearTell systems receive, among other things, a completely redesigned user interface, which makes monitoring your manufacturing processes even easier and more intuitive.

UI Redesign

The navigation now takes place entirely through a newly designed sidebar. This sidebar is collapsible, and the individual navigation points are reduced to easily interpretable symbols. This ensures that the available space is optimally utilized, regardless of the device you use for process monitoring.

The starting point of the new user interface is the project selection, where each created project is displayed in a tile view, and new projects can be created.

Regardless of an actively ongoing process monitoring, you can now check all connected vibration measurement channels as well as the status of our PLC interface at any time through the 'Live Preview' feature.

Similarly, when setting up a new PLC-controlled project, the incoming signals will now be displayed live, making it easier to associate the input signal with the process phase.

To ensure a precise time allocation of the data provided by wearTell, you can now configure NTP servers in the settings area of wearTell 16. Additionally, you can also configure the local time zone.

Once you have selected a project for monitoring or subsequent analysis from the project selection screen and opened it, all necessary information and monitoring tools are easily accessible with just one click through the sidebar.


Energy charts

The core of our current process monitoring, the representation of the states of all phases in the energy charts, has been completely redesigned for wearTell 16.

By default, wearTell creates an energy chart for each measurement channel, displaying the trends of all defined phases for that channel. These charts can be customized as needed, allowing for the distribution of different phases across multiple charts. This ensures that despite different value ranges and scales, everything can be monitored at a glance.

Furthermore, it is now possible to simultaneously view different frequency ranges or configure the number of cycles to be displayed. The number of charts displayed simultaneously can also be expanded.

Each energy chart now has a detailed view, which allows you to view, among other things, historical data.

From the above view, you can access the settings area of each specific chart, where you can configure the frequency range, the included phases, and the maximum number of displayed cycles. This allows you to customize the display settings of the energy charts according to your specific needs and preferences.


Highlighting individual phases in the spectrogram

Also new is the ability to highlight individual phases in the (historical) spectrograms, allowing you to precisely track when the corresponding phase occurred within the selected cycle.

Additionally, as always, the modified graphics can be easily exported for further analysis and evaluation. This export functionality enables you to save and share the visualized data for collaboration or future reference.

Contact us

These presented features are just the highlights of the new wearTell 16 release. There are many more exciting features to explore!

If you're interested in getting a detailed overview of wearTell 16 or updating your installed wearTell systems to the latest version, please feel free to contact us:

Tel: +49 202 97 47 37 64

E-Mail: info@weartell.com

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